Time to reflect

It has now been a year since I officially opened my dressmaking business. There was, and is still so much to learn!  The sewing part I figured I had down pretty well after 35+ years, but there are always new techniques to try, and courses to take. For now, it is time to reflect on what I have done and think a little about the future.

In working on my business:

I have embraced blogging, Facebook and internet learning.

I have realised that photography is not my strong suit, but I’m going to have to learn more about it and take more time to get good photos of each project for advertising purposes.

Finding local suppliers and some not so local was a major challenge. When one moves halfway across Canada, her favorite fabric stores are no longer readily available and one has to start over.

I have discovered I love working for myself and that I am organised enough to do it. But working from home means being alone all day and that can be hard.

I have found that I love to teach and worked with White Rock Leisure Services to offer a new sewing course.

And in working in my business:

I have made 20+ garments from a simple shawl to a fully crystallised ballroom dance gown.

I have discovered a designer hidden inside my “techie” head and have created a few
fabulous ballroom dance costumes.

Ballroom dance costumes.
Ballroom dance costumes.


I have taught a young teen how to sew and the lessons continue.

Next year will bring more teaching, more ballroom and some much-needed vacation travel.   I am looking forward to 2013 and hope you will too.